Announcing the TWELVE Associates for the 2021 Canada Program

After reviewing nearly 150 applications, the following 12 individuals have been selected to join the TWELVE Program as Associates for 2021. Click on their headshot to learn more about them.

Each of the selected Associates demonstrated many of the essential components of a financial crime professional: commitment, dedication to continuous learning, and - by their application - quality report writing. The 12 Associates come from a range of backgrounds and previous financial crime/compliance roles, but they all have in common the desire to learn and become more seasoned and well-rounded in their knowledge of financial crime.

While reviewing the applications to the program and selecting who would become Associates, it was clear that a lot of thought, time, and effort had been put into the applications and answering the key questions posed.

There were many quality applications submitted but what made the successful 12 applications really stand out was the commitment to continuous learning and demonstrating how the TWELVE Program would not only benefit them and their career plans, but also how they would give back to the community. Whether it was to assist in transitioning from a retail banking role to full time financial crime, or moving from policy to investigations, each associate made it clear why they deserved their place on the program.

I have no doubt that I and the Fellows will learn as much from them as they hopefully will from us.

Dr Ian Messenger

Ian Messenger