Introducing 2021 Associate - Peter Mavroidis


Peter has a strong track record in the Banking Industry, Sales, and Financial Crimes.

In 2016 after having completed a Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies- Peter had a couple years working-experience at several Telecommunications companies and with TD Securities. It was in 2017 when Peter developed a keen interest in Financial Crimes (specifically Fraud) and in Law (specifically Case Law). After delving himself fully into the topics he wanted to combine the two in a short program and completed a Paralegal Accelerated Diploma from Seneca College. During his time there in addition to learning different types of law he was offered an opportunity to represent Seneca at a National Mooting Competition-with his team placing 3rd. 

Upon graduation Peter joined RBC and progressed from Intern to Regional Advisor to AML Investigator within the FIU. Peter found Anti-Money Laundering and cases more to his liking in early 2020 joining several groups that speak about best practices and interesting cases.

Peter is relatively new to AML (roughly 1.5 years) but nonetheless still learning as much as he can.It seems there’s something new everyday. Peter is looking at different designations to complete to further his AML education including the ACAMS certification and CFCS.

Looking at the group of Fellows and Associates involved in the Twelve Financial Crime program and their experiences, I’m very impressed and look forward to this program Dr Ian Messenger has incredibly created.