Introducing 2022 Associate - Stephen Hayward


Steve Hayward is a lawyer with 9 years of extensive litigation experience across four jurisdictions and a variety of practice areas, primarily in Criminal law.  He has practiced as Defence counsel on a variety of complex litigation files. More recently he has practiced as Crown counsel, prosecuting a wide variety of criminal code offences.

 Steve has had the opportunity to mentor law students and junior lawyers in navigating the litigation process. He has also benefitted from the mentoring of senior lawyers while working on cases of particular complexity, including homicides and fraud.

 Having participated in litigation from all sides, Steve has developed a keen interest in the investigative process and advising investigators on best practices of the collection of evidence.  He has advised police, social workers, and other government agency workers on how to build ethical and rigorous cases that can withstand legal scrutiny.

 Always the student, Steve continues to expand his skill set and leverage his experience by obtaining training in investigative and enforcement practices and perspectives.

2022 AssociateIan Messenger