Introducing 2021 Fellow - Peter Warrack

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President and CEO of Blocktrain AML Training Solutions Inc. / the Chief Compliance Officer Bitfinex.

After serving in the British military and then the police in Northern Ireland, (the latter as a senior detective officer) Peter joined the Royal Bank of Canada, (RBC) in 2002 as head of criminal intelligence and then as Head of AML Investigations in the AML Financial Intelligence Unit, (FIU). In 2010 Peter joined the Bank of Montreal, (BMO and as he had done at RBC built the FIU into a best in class example of an FIU based on a risk-based approach. At BMO Peter then held several other positions including Director of Risk Intelligence and Director Fintec, (AML) where his early knowledge about blockchain technology formed the basis of his current position, having left BMO in 2018 to establish his own company and operate as the CCO of Bitfinex.

Since coming to Canada Peter has given numerous presentations and training sessions nationally and globally to the private and public sectors on matters of crime, security, money laundering and crypto-related subjects. Peter also publishes regularly and in 2017 was awarded the ACAMS Article of the Year and the AML Professional of the Year, an award he also won in 2011. Throughout his career in Canada Peter has recruited an estimated 500 people, many new immigrants to the banking sector and helped launch many successful AML careers. A strong believer in giving back for 5 years Peter helped design and lectured on the Seneca College Crime Analysis, (CIFCA) program, donating his fees to sponsor additional students on the course. Perhaps Peter's greatest contribution to AML and to the community is his initiative in launching the very successful Project Protect aimed at combattimg human trafficking, a model that has been replicated to address elder abuse, fraud, fentanyl trafficking and child expolitaion.