Introducing 2022 Associate - Stephanie Heijns


Stephanie graduated from Erasmus University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminology. In 2020 she graduated from Leiden University with a master’s degree in Forensic Criminology. During her time at Leiden University she also participated in a project about the prison climate in Dutch prisons and the effects of prison climate. She investigated the effect of visits by family and friends on the willingness of the prisoners to change their behaviour.

After her graduation she began working as a KYC analyst at the Detecting Financial Crime department at ABN AMRO Bank, performing periodic reviews on financial institutions. She currently has one year of experience in the world of financial crime and is now active in the domain of event driven reviews.

Although she does not have many years of experience in the AML field, she is very motivated to learn new things and she is also convinced that you are never done learning. During her time working as a KYC analyst she developed a strong interest in the world of financial crime and she believes that the TWELVE

program will have a positive impact on her development as a modern financial crime professional, but most importantly: she hopes to eventually contribute to the prevention of financial crime.

Stephanie is interested in learning more about money laundering and fraud, but she is also curious about the people who commit these various types of crime..

2022 AssociateIan Messenger