Introducing 2021 Associate - Elizabeth Malleck


Elizabeth Malleck is a self-motivated professional, working as a Lead Investigator in Transaction Monitoring, Financial Intelligence Unit at BMO Financial Group.  Her areas of interest involve major investigations, including organized crime groups, human trafficking and drug trafficking.

While in university, Elizabeth worked in retail banking at BMO Bank of Montreal and completed two summer internships with BMO’s Anti-Money Laundering program. During her internships, she gained knowledge of the medical cannabis industry and presented process improvement ideas to senior managers in the Financial Intelligence Unit.

After joining BMO’s Transaction Monitoring team in 2018, she established herself as a top-performing investigator and received various Spotlight Achievement Awards. She was promoted to Lead Investigator in July 2020. Elizabeth is considered a subject-matter expert in banking patterns of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, and uses her knowledge to educate her team on how traditional AML red flags may not align with every customer base.

Elizabeth graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree specializing in finance from the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning. In her free time, Elizabeth practices martial arts. She has studied Taekwondo since she was 5 years old, and is an Assistant 5th Degree Master, and a 2nd Degree in Gumdo (Korean Sword).